October 27

I’m getting transferred! and I’m leaving the ghetto 😦
This week was pretty solid! We went mtn biking again and I biffed it hard again! I’ve realized that anytime I leave the ground on my bike, I am going to fall down! We also found a boat in the middle of the desert! #Noah’sArc
Elder Rushton Sprained his ankle pretty bad on Tuesday, so we didn’t get to go out and work as hard as I would have liked 😦 While Elder Rushtons was resting his ankle I was able to write all the youth that wrote me. So look out for that Envelope coming in!
Went on another Spanish exchange! Got to bike all day! Broke my pedal:( I need to get new ones before I move out to Henderson. Our area is like one square mile so we don’t have a car. When we went over to the Romero’s for dinner, they hadn’t even started it! So all the missionaries got to work the grill which was super fun! Almost fell asleep in the back of a member’s car because they were speaking spanish and it was pretty comfortable in the back seat!
Had a solid district meeting this week. One of the sister’s that is going home bought a couple pizza’s and we had a party!
Elder Rushton was pretty sick this week, so I spent alot of time in our apartment being bored.
We had the oppurtunity to do some yard work this week and it was awesome! #rakingleavesfordays
Sunday was pretty interesting! The man who gave the 25 minute prayer from a couple weeks ago showed up for church. and bore his “testimony” he talked about how lower class families should make $100K middle class $200K and upper class $300K. The bishopric had to stop him before he could get in to all the good stuff.
Tomorrow I get to go to my new area! It’s much less ghetto than my current area! I’m pretty excited to meet all these new people!
Love Elder Hall


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