November 24

Elder Cardinal and I had an awesome week!
We worked super hard and this area is starting to turn around! It is so awesome to see hard work pay off!
We had a lot of fun with the “talking to everyone” aspect of missionary work! We had a lot of not very nice people this week but those people keep life interesting! We talked to this one guy and turns out he had talked with missionaries in another area and they were supposed to text us his info when he moved but they didn’t! But luckily since we were talking to everyone we talked to him!
This week we had a lot of flat tires here in Vegas! I don’t know why but I think we had like 5 flats this week!
This week we were finally able to have a couple lessons with Nancy! She is one of our main investigators and has already been to church 3 times but she has been hopping around a lot of churches for a LONG time! So she has all this crazy doctrine jumbled up in her head! She called Elder Cardinal and I prophets during a lesson! We have a lot of things to sort out! She also offered us coffee and wanted to take us Panda Express yesterday!
Speaking of Panda Express! Elder Cardinal had Panda for the first time this week! It was first time having fast food Chinese! The only Chinese food he could compare it to was expensive Chinese food like PF Changs! SO he wasn’t super stoked about it but he was ok
This week had a CRAZY miracle happen! Elder Cardinal had a leaky tire yesterday, so we were biking a little bit and then finding a member with a pump and repeat. At the end of the night we were low on air and couldn’t find any members. We look down the street and there is 1 garage open! We hustle on over there and turns out this husband and wife have an entire bike workshop in their garage! So we pull Elder Cardinal’s tube off the rim and we couldn’t find the leak! but they gave us a patch in case it started leaking again and they gave us one of those mini bike pumps that they had found while mtn biking! and now Elder Cardinal’s tire has stopped leaking! It’s like magic! AND we have a lesson set up with them tomorrow!
But that is how my week has been!


November 17

Had a solid week this week! Working hard but not getting a lot of teaching done 😦 Next week though I think this area is going to explode! Early in the week I got in a pretty gnarly bike wreck! We were late to an appointment so we were flying down the road when we come to a roundabout. There is a car coming but we beat it to the roundabout and I’m absolutely flying down the road! Elder Cardinal is leading the way and being the polite canadian he is, he stops and lets the person go. By the time I realize that Cardinal has stopped. I’m smashing into his rear tire! So I go up and over/through Elder Cardinal and my bike ends up upside down resting on the yield sign and I hit my head pretty well on the concrete. My helmet popped off and I’m lying on the ground getting my life back together, when I say “Elder! You good!” To see if my comp is still alive and he was! So we get up brush off and there are like 4 cars waiting for us to get out of the way! Not one of them thought it would be a good idea to check if we were alive! How Rude!! But they were probably scared we were going to baptize them or something! But that was an awesome way to show our comp unity!
We had a member from Boulder City set up a lesson with one of his friends and when we got there none of them spoke English! like not even a little bit! It was nuts! So the member taught the first lesson in Spanish because he served his mission speaking Spanish and near the end I bore my testimony in Spanish which was pretty cool!
This week was pretty good looking forward to next week!
Hopefully my email will be better next week
Love Elder Hall!!



Nov 10

Had a solid week but I didn’t really write in my journal so this weeks Email will be a shorty
On P-day we played Dart Wars in the stake center which just involves us running around with nerf darts and PVC pipes. It was super fun! That night we had dinner with the Cox’s, and they are so awesome! They have pretty much adopted us.
Tuesday we were visited as a mission by Elder Foster. That was super awesome! He really focused on Family History because “people aren’t interested in religion anymore but they still like families” and how as missionaries we are ward and stake builders. Which just made my job like a billion times bigger which is nuts!
This week we had a really awesome weekly planning session and worked really hard to sort out the area book.
Elder Cardinal has started sleeping on a couch with a mattress on top of it because it’s warm and dark” Elder Cardinal is officially a Canadian Vampire.
This week we went on exchanges and when I was with Elder Adams he had a couple of motivational speeches on his ipod. I just wanted to share three quotes that I think are very powerful “you are where you are because of who you are”
“Doubt will cause you to come up with excuses so you can validate your inaction and not act on your dream”
“If you are not making someone’s life better you are wasting your life”


November 3

I survived my first week in Henderson! I haven’t seen any crazy people in a week 😦 so no fun stories this week.
My new companion is from Canada but he doesn’t like hockey or say “eh” which is odd….I imagine that he used to ride a moose to school back home. He is kind of like a Canadian red neck that sings hymns all the time!
The area I am in is a square mile and there are over 300 people that come to church from that square mile. Pretty much every other house is a member, but Elder Cardinal (my new companion) didn’t tell me that. Half the time I end up street contacting a member and he just lets me do it! So I’ve been made a fool more than once this week. But that’s alright I will find a way to get him back!
Also everyone here has a job! Which is no bueno! No one is home till 5 o clock. So Elder Cardinal and I just futz around knocking on doors that no one answers till 5. It drives me a little nuts!
The members here are super awesome and they really try and help us find investigators! Street Contacting here is super ineffective. Everyone drives their car into the garage and then closes the garage and the people we talk to are either super nice but not interested or really mean and not interested!
This area is super dead too! Elder Cardinal’s last companion was pretty lazy but luckily none of that rubbed off on him! He loves to work hard. Which is awesome! We are working hard to jump start this ward!
We had a mission Halloween party at the mission office. we watched 17 Miracles it was super fun to see all the missionaries in the valley!
I hope you are all doing well!
Love Elder Hall


October 27

I’m getting transferred! and I’m leaving the ghetto 😦
This week was pretty solid! We went mtn biking again and I biffed it hard again! I’ve realized that anytime I leave the ground on my bike, I am going to fall down! We also found a boat in the middle of the desert! #Noah’sArc
Elder Rushton Sprained his ankle pretty bad on Tuesday, so we didn’t get to go out and work as hard as I would have liked 😦 While Elder Rushtons was resting his ankle I was able to write all the youth that wrote me. So look out for that Envelope coming in!
Went on another Spanish exchange! Got to bike all day! Broke my pedal:( I need to get new ones before I move out to Henderson. Our area is like one square mile so we don’t have a car. When we went over to the Romero’s for dinner, they hadn’t even started it! So all the missionaries got to work the grill which was super fun! Almost fell asleep in the back of a member’s car because they were speaking spanish and it was pretty comfortable in the back seat!
Had a solid district meeting this week. One of the sister’s that is going home bought a couple pizza’s and we had a party!
Elder Rushton was pretty sick this week, so I spent alot of time in our apartment being bored.
We had the oppurtunity to do some yard work this week and it was awesome! #rakingleavesfordays
Sunday was pretty interesting! The man who gave the 25 minute prayer from a couple weeks ago showed up for church. and bore his “testimony” he talked about how lower class families should make $100K middle class $200K and upper class $300K. The bishopric had to stop him before he could get in to all the good stuff.
Tomorrow I get to go to my new area! It’s much less ghetto than my current area! I’m pretty excited to meet all these new people!
Love Elder Hall
