March 30

This week was way better than last week! Elder Valles and I had so much more energy this week and it made all the difference! 

We were able to teach alot this week! which was a blessing! Unfortunately this week we really struggled to find new people to teach. Luckily, the investigators we do have are super solid! This saturday we were able to have Kyrri out with us all day and we had a blast! Kyrri is going to be such an amazing missionary because he isn’t afraid to open his mouth and talk about the Gospel! 
Also earlier in the week we were driving around and our bikes and bikerack decided to fall off the car! Luckily we weren’t going very fast and I realized they were gone after 29 seconds so were able to get them and everything worked out! 
And on Pday Elder Anderson and I decided to see how many chairs we could stack up! so 38 chairs later we had a 12 foot tower!

March 23

This Week was tough! Elder Valles and I were super dead all week! I have no idea what happened this week to make us so dead but the tiredness was real but outside of being dead all week we had a really good week! 

This week at my district meeting, the AP’s decided to show up so that was awesome! especially because I still have no idea what I am doing when it comes to leading a district meeting but it went super well! I made up an acronym called H.Y.P.E. which stands for How You Present Eternity. The training was all about helping our investigators gain an eternal perspective in regards to keeping the commandments and enduring to the end! 
Also this week I went and took photos of all the church buildings in the stake to make pass along cards for each ward so we can help get more people to church!
Love Elder Hall

March 16

This week was super awesome! Elder Valles and I have been killing it this week!
I went on exchanges with our Zone Leaders this week and we had too much fun! My face was sore from smiling all day long! We went to one of the other district meetings in the zone and it was way cool because he trained on the same stuff I was planning on doing in my district meeting the next day!
Wednesday was my first district meeting and it was awesome! The district is so stoked to get out and do the Lord’s work. I challenged the district to use their talents and apply them to missionary work!
This week I started Photo Phinding, When we are talking to people on the street, I take photos with them and talk about how the Gospel of Jesus Christ can help anyone and everyone! At the end of my mission I am going to combine all of these into one gigantic collage! and it has been working out really well!
On sunday we had 11 investigators to church! We had an entire pew packed to the gills with all the people we are teaching!
This week has been a super blessing!
Love Elder Hall


March 9

Hey Everybody! This week has been super awesome!
Elder Valles and I have been killin it this week! The new ward that I started covering is super awesome! All the members are willing to come out with us and they help us out all the time! This week has been a lot of fun! I got to meet all the investigators in the new ward  some of them are super prepared and others are super crazy!
On Saturday we took some of our investigators to go walk around the temple! The spirit was so strong! They are all so excited to get baptized later this month so they can go down to the baptistry so they can do baptisms for the dead! 
This wek has been nuts but I had a great time! 

March 2

So this email comes in pretty late because the office of our apartment complex caught fire. So we couldn’t email there…. and we just found somewhere else to email.

This week has been pretty crazy! We learned about Transfers this week. Elder Garrett is leaving and We are combining 2 areas! I will be with Elder Valles who is a champion and I am the new District Leader in the Sunrise Stake! It’s pretty exciting/terrifying! 

Elder Garrett and I had a solid week! It rained alot so we were soaking wet most of the time but we made it through! I found a super legit storm trooper helmet!

Sorry for being so short but today has been crazy! just know that It’s all good and the work is progressing!

Love Elder Hall


February 23

This week was awesome! We found this super awesome family! We already taught them the first 2 lessons and they came to church yesterday! We are going back tonight to teach the 3rd lesson! We set them all to be baptized on the 21st next month! 
Elder Garrett is coming out of his shell but only when we come back to our apartment at 9 pm… We are still working on being vocal in missionary work!
This morning I woke up and There was SNOW on the mountains and it’s like 50 degrees- super awesome Pday weather!
Saturday we went to the Temple!and I left my keys there…. but I got to see a bunch of members from my last area back in Henderson! 
Sorry my email isn’t super great but our apartment complex is no bueno so I am getting kicked off so yeah….

February 16


This week has been pretty uneventful… I tweaked out the back tire on my bike so I have been walking a lot. Elder Garret and I are starting to build some chemistry so that makes the walks a lot better 🙂 The work is just trucking along out here! We found tons of flakey people that fell through on us but I know the people that are ready to hear the Gospel  are just around the corner!
Love Elder Hall

February 9


Hey I don’t have a lot of time to email today because the staff at our complex is about to kick us off the computers…. Super awesome but that’s okay because I don’t really have a lot to write about this week.
Elder Garrett got sick this week so he didn’t talk to me and we didn’t leave the apartment which was super! 
This week was pretty solid, we found a cool little park where guys are always playing basketball! So sometimes we play pick up games to find people to teach. It’s super fun!  We have found a couple of guys to teach that way but it’s not super effective.
We got a new ward missionary this week and he is really helping us out! He and his wife have served like 3 missions already so he knows a little bit about missionary work!
So that is my fairly uneventful week!
Oh yeah and we found a fake nuclear waste can!

February 2


So just a heads up I climbed a mountain this morning so I am super tired!

This week was pretty solid and super exciting. First of all Elder Garrett is slowly starting to come out of his shell and he is talking to me a little tiny bit! Which is such a boost for my sanity! Life is SO much easier when the guy you are around 24/7 talks to you!
We had a pretty solid work week which was awesome! We started teaching this lady that was taught when she lived in Henderson and she is super solid! We are basically just reviewing everything with her because she already knows it’s true! It’s basically the greatest thing that has ever happened!

Also this week, We almost killed one of the young men…
It was an exciting Friday night! Kyrri is 17 and he just got baptized 4 months ago. He comes out with us almost everyday after school. He has helped me stay sane because he is super loud just like me! and it is such a blessing!
He was out riding with us Friday night going down a hill to make a right turn where the road stopped. But Kyrri didn’t go right and he did not stop! The homie hit a dirt bank and FLEW!!! and crashed…. like 8 feet away from the take off ramp.
Kyrri’s handlebars smacked him and knocked him out… for 25 minutes. First we waited because we thought he has playing with us, but after I slapped him a few times and he started twitching. I knew he wasn’t playing. Elder Garrett and I gave him a priesthood blessing and called 911. When the paramedics finally got there. the first thing they did was cut off all the brand new church he had just bought like 4 days beforehand and they cut my TIE!!!!!! it was a rough night to suffer the loss of a beautiful paisley tie. Kyrri was taken to the hospital. It turned out that he knocked a good chunk of his spine out of place and they just popped it back in and sent him on his way!
Also this morning we climbed a mountain so I am just going to send photos instead of describe it because I am mega tired!

January 26

Hey so I am in my new area and it’s pretty solid! My area runs up the side of a mountain and it is stinkin steep! The crank fell off my bike on Thursday so we have been walking the entire time! So the going has been slow but there is definitely work to be done here!
My companion Elder Garrett is pretty quiet, so it is basically like being with Elder Cardinal again! So that is super awesome…
But we have a young man in the ward named Kyrri, he was baptized 4 months ago and he comes out with us all the time and he is super fun!
The ward mission leader here, Brother Manuele, is awesome! He is super energetic and totally ready to help the work here!
Love Elder Hall!
